Our work
WOMEN NOW has set up a social, psychological and legal counselling service for migrants in situations of vulnerability.
We offer help and support to enable migrants to understand and act within societal structures.
You can contact us by e-mail (juridique-sociale@women-now.be) or phone (+32 [0]493 47 47 57). An appointment will be required.
Victimes of gender-based violence
Réseau Oasis is a temporary and confidential emergency hosting service launched by WOMEN NOW and provided by citizens for women (with or without children) and members of the LGTBIQIA+ community who are being victims of gender-based violence.
Contact: info@reseauoasis.be
All support and care services offered by WOMEN NOW are open and available to the migrant LGBTQIA+ community.
In addition, WOMEN NOW takes action to fight violence against this community and to raise awareness on the subject.
Check our News page to find out more about our current projects.
Contact: info@women-now.be
Children, teenagers and youth
WOMEN NOW offers a psychological counselling service for children who are victims of intrafamily violence or bullying, a psychosocial support service and a therapeutic space for children of gender-based violence victims.
We also carry out several projects for young people, in particular concerning cyberbullying and the promotion of a safe and responsible use of social media.
Find out more about our “Share and Like” awareness campaign.
Contact: shareandlike@women-now.be
The elderly
Often neglected, older people are also at the heart of our endeavours.
The promotion of positive ageing and the fight against ageism (i.e., discrimination based on age) are two of our central goals.
“Notre voix” is an activity for older women which aims to debate and reflect on current social issues.
Contact: info@women-now.be
Volunteers and professionals
WOMEN NOW works with committed individuals whose principles are in line with ours.
We also offer training courses for professionals and volunteers in the community sector who wish to expand their field of action and deepen their knowledge in areas related to the main focus of our work (gender-based violence, migration, etc.).
Check our Training page to learn more about our courses.
Contact: formation@women-now.be
Other organisations
WOMEN NOW cooperates with a network of organisations and services sharing common goals. Working in synergy is one of the pillars of our organisation’s activity.
We also organise online debates and information sessions on migrants’ rights.
Contact: info@women-now.be