About Réseau Oasis
Réseau Oasis (in English, “Oasis Network”) is a temporary and confidential emergency hosting service provided by citizens for women (with or without children) and members of the LGTBIQIA+ community who are being victims of gender-based and intrafamily violence.
This hosting network is made up, on the one hand, of generous and altruistic citizens who offer part of their homes to take in victims of violence on an urgent and temporary basis and, on the other hand, of professionals who organise the reception, act as a liaison between the victims and the hosts, follow up on the cases and offer guidance and support. In addition, the professional team at Réseau Oasis also trains the voluntary hosts and assists them through the victim hosting process.
These are the main goals of Réseau Oasis:
- Offering a welcoming reception and an emergency shelter for victims.
- Providing psychological first aid.
- Ensuring emotional support and expert psychological counselling.
- Supporting victims and providing them with long-term psychosocial and legal guidance.
- Training and assisting voluntary hosts.
With the support of: